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Configuration file

Andy HsuConfigConfigSettingsAbout 6 min

Initial config


After modifying the configuration file, restart AList for changes to take effect

  • Windows/MacOS: <alist dir>/data/config.json
  • Linux: one-click script directory, /opt/alist/data/config.json or <alist dir>/data/config.json
  • Docker: <docker container dir>/data/config.json
  • openwrt: modify config on server if using luci-app-alist , otherwise <alist dir>/data/config.json
  • Other: <alist dir>/data/config.json
  "force": false,
  "site_url": "",
  "cdn": "",
  "jwt_secret": "random_generated",
  "token_expires_in": 48,
  "database": {
    "type": "sqlite3",
    "host": "",
    "port": 0,
    "user": "",
    "password": "",
    "name": "",
    "db_file": "data\\data.db",
    "table_prefix": "x_",
    "ssl_mode": "",
    "dsn": ""
  "meilisearch": {
    "host": "http://localhost:7700",
    "api_key": "",
    "index_prefix": ""
  "scheme": {
    "address": "",
    "http_port": 5244,
    "https_port": -1,
    "force_https": false,
    "cert_file": "",
    "key_file": "",
    "unix_file": "",
    "unix_file_perm": ""
  "temp_dir": "data\\temp",
  "bleve_dir": "data\\bleve",
  "dist_dir": "",
  "log": {
    "enable": true,
    "name": "data\\log\\log.log",
    "max_size": 50,
    "max_backups": 30,
    "max_age": 28,
    "compress": false
  "delayed_start": 0,
  "max_connections": 0,
  "tls_insecure_skip_verify": true,
  "tasks": {
    "download": {
      "workers": 5,
      "max_retry": 1,
      "task_persistant": true
    "transfer": {
      "workers": 5,
      "max_retry": 2,
      "task_persistant": true
    "upload": {
      "workers": 5,
      "max_retry": 0,
      "task_persistant": false
    "copy": {
      "workers": 5,
      "max_retry": 2,
      "task_persistant": true
  "cors": {
    "allow_origins": [
    "allow_methods": [
    "allow_headers": [
  "s3": {
    "enable": false,
    "port": 5246,
    "ssl": false

Field Explanation


By default AList reads the configuration from environment variables, set this field to true to force AList to read config from the configuration file.


The address of your AList server, such as This address is essential for some features, and thus thry may not work properly if unset:

  • thumbnailing LocalStorage
  • previewing site after setting web proxy
  • displaying download address after setting web proxy
  • reverse-proxying to site sub directories
  • ...

Do not include the slash (/) at the end of the address. For example:

# correct:
"site_url": "",
# incorrect (exceptions occur):
"site_url": "",


The address of the CDN. Included $version values will be dynamically replaced by the version of AList. Existing dist resources are hosted on both npm and GitHub, which can be found at:

Thus it is possible to use any npm or GitHub CDN path for this field. For example:

Keep empty to use local dist resources.


The secret used to sign the JWT token, randomly generated on first run.


User login expiration time, in hours.


The database configuration, which is by default sqlite3. Available options are sqlite3, mysql and postgres.

  • The database options do not need to be modified if using sqlite3.
  "database": {
    "type": "sqlite3",  //database type
    "host": "",         //database host
    "port": 0,          //database port
    "user": "",         //database account
    "password": "",     //database password
    "name": "",         //database name
    "db_file": "data\\data.db",     //Database location, used by sqlite3
    "table_prefix": "x_",           //database table name prefix
    "ssl_mode": "",     //To control the encryption options during the SSL handshake, the parameters can be searched by themselves, or check the answer from ChatGPT below
    "dsn": ""           //
Expand to view details of `ssl_mode`

Leave blank if you do not understand what this is; no effective help can be given easily.

In MySQL, the ssl_mode parameter is used to specify the authentication mode of the SSL connection. Here are a few common options:

  • DISABLED: Disable SSL connections.
  • PREFERRED: Use an SSL connection if server has SSL enabled, and otherwise fallback to a normal connection.
  • REQUIRED: Force to use SSL connection and fail if the server does not support SSL connection.
  • VERIFY_CA: Force to use SSL connection and verify the authenticity of the server certificate.
  • VERIFY_IDENTITY: Force to use an SSL connection and verify the authenticity of the server certificate and that the name matches the connecting hostname.

Additional, MySQL 5.x and 8.x have differences. If you are using databases provided by service providers, BTFM. If you deployed the database yourself, STFW.

In PostgreSQL, the ssl_mode parameter is used to specify how the client uses SSL connections. Here are a few common options:

  • disable: Disable SSL connections.
  • allow: Allow SSL connections.
  • prefer: Use an SSL connection if server has SSL enabled, and otherwise fallback to a normal connection.
  • require: Force to use SSL connection and fail if the server does not support SSL connection.
  • verify-ca: Force to use SSL connection and verify the authenticity of the server certificate.
  • verify-full: Force to use an SSL connection and verify the authenticity of the server certificate and that the name matches the connecting hostname.

⚠️⚠️The above information is from ChatGPT, so the accuracy has not been verified⚠️⚠️

Notes on modifying the database when there is already data
  1. If you change the sqlite database to mysql database, it is first recommended to use the backup and recovery method.
  2. If you directly import sqlite data into mysql, you can view this video tutorial: View tutorialopen in new window


  "meilisearch": {
    "host": "http://localhost:7700",    //Use `meilisearch` link, the default is the local machine
    "api_key": "",                      //Please check the `meilisearch` documentation
    "index_prefix": ""                  //Please check the `meilisearch` documentation

Documentation link:: in new window


The configuration of scheme. Set this field if using HTTPS.

  • Remember to copy the certificate file to the data directory. Config example:
  "scheme": {
    "address": "",   // The http/https address to listen on, default ``
    "http_port": 5244,      // The http port to listen on, default `5244`, if you want to disable http, set it to `-1`
    "https_port": -1,       // The https port to listen on, default `-1`, if you want to enable https, set it to non `-1`
    "force_https": false,   // Whether the HTTPS protocol is forcibly, if it is set to True, the user can only access the website through HTTPS
    "cert_file": "data\\cert.crt",  // Path of cert file
    "key_file": "data\\key.key",    // Path of key file
    "unix_file": "",        // Unix socket file path to listen on, default empty, if you want to use unix socket, set it to non empty
    "unix_file_perm": ""    // Unix socket file permission, set to the appropriate permissions


The directory to keep temporary files. By default AList uses data/temp.


temp_dir is a temporary folder exclusive to alist. In order to prevent AList from generating garbage files when being interrupted, the directory will be cleared every time AList starts, so do not store anything in this directory or map this directory & subdirectories to directories in use when using Docker.


Where data is stored when using bleve index.


If this item is set, the front -end file of this option is preferred to render, support the use of other front -end files, and the back -end continues to use the original application

Upload the front -end file (dist) to the data folder of the application, and then fill in this way. The disadvantage is that if you update each time, you need to change the file manually

  "dist_dir": "data\\dist",


The log configuration. Set this field to save detailed logs of disable.

  "log": {
    "enable": true,					// Whether AList should store logs
    "name": "data\\log\\log.log",	//The path and name of the log file
    "max_size": 10,					//the maximum size of a single log file, in MB. After reaching the specified size, the file will be automatically split.
    "max_backups": 5,				//the number of log backups to keep. Old backups will be deleted automatically when the limit is exceeded.
    "max_age": 28,					//The maximum number of days preserved in the log file, the log file that exceeds the number of days will be deleted
    "compress": false				//Whether to enable log file compression functions. After compression, the file size can be reduced, but you need to decompress when viewing, and the default is to close the state false


Time unit: second (new feature of v3.19.0)

Whether to delay AList startup.
Generally this option is used when AList is configured to auto-start. The reason is that sometimes network takes some time to connect, so drivers requiring cannot start correctly after Alist starts.


The maximum amount of connections at the same time. The default is 0, which is unlimited.

  • 10 or 20 is recommended for general devices such as n1.
  • Usage Scenarios: the device will crash if the device is bad at concurrency when picture mode is enabled.


Whether not to verify the SSL certificate. If there is a problem with the certificate of the website used when this option is not enabled (such as not including the intermediate certificate, having the certificate expired, or forging the certificate, etc.), the service will not be available. Run the program in a safe network environment when this option is enabled.


Configuration for background task threads.

  "tasks": {
    "download": {
      "workers": 5,
      "max_retry": 1,
      "task_persistant": true
    "transfer": {
      "workers": 5,
      "max_retry": 2,
      "task_persistant": true
    "upload": {
      "workers": 5,
      "max_retry": 0,
      "task_persistant": false
    "copy": {
      "workers": 5,
      "max_retry": 2,
      "task_persistant": true
  • workers: Number of task threads.

  • max_retry: Number of retries.

    • 0: Retries disabled.
  • download: Download task when downloading offline

  • transfer: upload transfer task after offline download is completed

  • upload: upload task

  • copy: copy the task

  • task_persistant:The task is persistent and will not be cancelled after restarting AList

    • download:true
    • transfer:true
    • upload:false
    • copy:true


Configuration for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).

  "cors": {
    "allow_origins": [
    "allow_methods": [
    "allow_headers": [
  • allow_origins: Allowed sources.
  • allow_methods: Allowed request methods.
  • allow_headers: Allowed request headers.

Use it to understand it by yourself, and then configure it. If you do n’t know, please do n’t modify it at will. Use the default configuration.


  "s3": {
    "enable": false,
    "port": 5246,
    "ssl": false
  • enable:Whether the S3 function is enabled, the default is not enabled
  • port:port
  • SSL:Enable the HTTPS certificate, not enabled by default

Function introduction: Click to view